Projects in the Caribbean

There has been an alarming increase in the rates of diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity in the Caribbean. To address this, we are organizing free health and wellness workshops, offering medical supplies and activities to help community members lead healthier, more fulfilling and joyful lives.

Our workshops are interactive and educational with fun activities that will demonstrate how effective physical activities and stress reduction are in lowering blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, weight and more.

Please help us raise funds to provide free glucose and blood pressure monitors to seniors and those in need within the community. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for giving. Your kindness will multiply back to you!

What we’ve done in Carriacou

  • Health & Wellness Workshops and Activities

    Introducing fun physical activities to manage and lower the risks of life threatening diseases.

  • Beach Walks

    Revitalizing and refreshing group walks on the beach.

  • Stretches to reduce stress and arthritis pain

    Stretching on the beach to improve flexibility, reduce stress and decrease pain and stiffness from arthritis…

  • Promoting the importance of Selfcare

    So many of our aging community members in the Caribbean seldom go to the beach. However they welcome the opportunity to join us at the beach for our fun and educational workshops.

    “Hope delayed can make the heart sick, but a longing or desire fulfilled satisfies the soul like a tree of life’. - Proverbs 13:12

Thank you in advance

Thank you for considering a donation to our cause! With your help, we can create health and wellness workshops and respite retreats in the Caribbean. Our fun and engaging sessions, led by certified coaches and experts, teach hands-on techniques for healthy habit changes. You'll leave with knowledge to improve your health, frame of mind, and spirituality, and create a joyful, fulfilling life. Our former participants are always welcome to volunteer and assist new ones.

Make a Donation

Spread the Word

Tell your friends, family and community members about what we’re doing.

Community Shape-Up Events

Water Therapy Exercises

Beach Walk Events